Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Guarding my witness

Guarding my witness

S - 1 Cor 15:33-34 (NASB)

33 Do not be deceived: "Bad company corrupts good morals."

34Become sober-minded as you ought, and stop sinning; for some have no knowledge of God I speak this to your shame.

O - I don't journal on this verse to condemn others but to convict myself. I have in the past allowed myself to stay longer in the company of bad company knowing that it slowly erodes at my own moral conviction, and I begin to conform to the morals in the world, rather than the truth of God's word. I am convicted as Paul says here, not because I am not forgiven, or that God does not have grace over my weaknesses and short comings, but that it serves as a terrible witness to those who don't know God yet.

A - The application for me is to discipline myself to two principles:

1. Don't soak in the morals of bad company - what this means, is that I am not to avoid being around people with bad morals, they are in as much need of a good witness as anyone, but I am to guard my heart and mind to ensure I don't conform for the sake of belonging.

2. Discipline my behavior, especially in the company of those who do not know God. When I say discipline, I mean live the life Christ has shown me and given me, in accordance with His commands for my life, to love God and to love others. May my witness be that of love and not tearing down and condemnation.

P - Dear heavenly Father, thank you for today's lesson, may it be sealed to my heart. I pray Lord that you would continue to guard my heart and mind from soaking in bad morals that are from the world, and give me the positive spirit of love and compassion for your people. I pray all this in Jesus name, Amen.

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