Sunday, January 24, 2021

Revelation of the Risen Christ

 S - Luke 24: 45-49  (TPT)

45 He supernaturally unlocked their understanding to receive the revelation of the Scriptures, 46 then said to them, “Everything that has happened fulfills what was prophesied of me. Christ, the Messiah, was destined to suffer and rise from the dead on the third day. 47 Now you must go into all the nations and preach repentance[l] and forgiveness of sins so that they will turn to me. Start right here in Jerusalem. 48 For you are my witnesses and have seen for yourselves all that has transpired. 49 And I will send the fulfillment of the Father’s promise[m] to you. So stay here in the city until the mighty power of heaven falls upon you and wraps around you.”

O - Jesus here after His resurrection, returns to the disciples so that there faith in the God's plan for Jesus could be understood.  He revealed the scriptures to them so they would understand that this was God's plan from the beginning.  That he would offer his son as the atoning sin offering (just like Abraham with Isaac).  That he would be crucified and spend three days buried (just like Jonah).   When he rose on the Third day he rolled open the stone and walked away defeating death.   He gave the disciples their great commission to go forth into all the nations and preach repentance and forgiveness of sins and that they are to turn towards Jesus.   He also reminded them the Holy Spirit will come and dwell with them being their guide. 

A  -   The application for me is to realize it is finished.  Jesus perfect work on earth was completed when He died and resurrected defeating death, and reconciling us all with the Father.   Having received this promise of salvation and the spirt of God with me,  I am to be a light to this world and to preach the Gospel in the area where he has called me to.   I should start with my family , and my community and then seek were else God would have me go.   I pray all this in Jesus' name, Amen. 

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