Monday, March 9, 2015

The only two commandments worth struggling to follow

The only two commandments worth struggling to follow
S -DEU 10:12-13 NASB

"Now, Israel, what does the L ord your God require from you, but to fear the L ord your God, to walk in all His ways and love Him, and to serve the L ord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the L ord ' s commandments and His statutes which I am commanding you today for your good?

O - It is funny because I realize that Jesus really did know the scriptures in a way that we struggle even today to know and have command of them.   When the pharisee asked Jesus what is the most important commandments he was able to distill scripture, which had been provided in great detail and volumes on our instructions on our relationship with God.  In the end Jesus said (me paraprashing) ,  I will make it easy for you (because you can't do it),  I will die for your sins so you never have to fall short of your sacrificial requirement to atone for your sin so you can have a relationship with the Father, then all you have to do is "love the father with all your heart and soul"  and "love your neighbor".  

A -  Our ability to miss the point and focus on the statutes and commmandments and miss the heart of God is  part of our human nature.  I need to surrender my control of my ability to retain a relationship with God through favoritism and discipline to his statutes, but instead abandon my  heart and soul to Him.   To walk daily in this abandonment , and to in turn abandon my right to be right.  To love others not because they deserve my love, but like God loves me,  because people are God's creation, worth loving, and He has asked me to do so unconditionally.

P -  Dear heavenly Father, thank you for this message , may it be sealed to my heart.  I pray Lord that you would help me to walk these two principles, today.   I will return tommorow and ask for the same favor because of my nature, so thank you in advance for your grace.  I pray all this in Jesus name Amen.

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