S - Judges 10: (NASB)
14 Go and cry out to the gods which you have chosen; let them save you in the time of your distress.” 15 Then the sons of Israel said to the Lord, “We have sinned, do to us whatever [f]seems good to You; only please save us this day.” 16 So they removed the foreign gods from among them and served the Lord; and [g]He could no longer endure the misery of Israel.
O - This was during the early times of Judges which is when after Joshua died Israel struggled to follow God but insisted on a leader. They, including their leaders, turned away from following the Commandments of the Lord and began worshipping the Baals and other false gods of the region. God's response to allow the Philistines and others surrounding them to oppress them was just and in this case caused the Israelites to turn back and beg for mercy from God. This process continued through judges until Israel ask God for a King which had only a slightly better result (Saul, David , etc).
A - The application for me is to remember how much like the Israelites I am. I come from a family who are Christians in their history but who fell away from the faith over generations. God's mercy though was their and I was saved by His grace and know am a follower of Christ. But the same temptations of this world, money, fame, sex, etc have caused me to stumble and live in a place that is less than that of the will of God. My mental health I did not take care of the way God had provided and it slipped me back into a bipolar mania that caused me to sin against my wife and family and put myself in a financially bad situation. Here I sit today trying to think my way out of the circumstances I am in. Today I need to humble myself daily and come to God seeking a solution to the dilemma I am in.
P - Dear heavenly Father, thank you today for this opportunity to repent and come to your throne seeking mercy and wisdom. Lord I have sinned against you and my family and my hearts desire is to get back on the righteous path. I ask that you reveal to me your will and direction I should head. I pray all this in Jesus name, Amen.