Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Waiting on the Lord, whom shall I fear

Waiting on the Lord,  whom shall I fear
 S - Psalm 27
 1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; 
Whom shall I fear? 
4 One thing I have asked from the LORD, that I shall seek: 
That I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, 
To behold the beauty of the LORD 
And to meditate in His temple. 
 7 Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice, 
And be gracious to me and answer me. 
8 When You said, “Seek My face,” my heart said to You, 
“Your face, O LORD, I shall seek.” 
9 Do not hide Your face from me, 
Do not turn Your servant away in anger; 
You have been my help; 
Do not abandon me nor forsake me, 
O God of my salvation! 
 11 Teach me Your way, O LORD, 
And lead me in a level path 
14 Wait for the LORD; 
Be strong and let your heart take courage; 
Yes, wait for the LORD.

O - There is so much to learn from David's psalms about our posture and communication with the Lord.  David expresses well his feelings, but with hope and confidence in the Lord.  For example the first verse indicates that fear is a part of David's life, but he positively proposes the Lord is his light, and salvation so who should he fear.   It is almost a statement of faith.   David goes on to seek the Lord, his house, his wisdom, and His guidance.  In verse seven, despite its truth, David knows there will be desperate times when we cry out to the Lord, He prays simply that the Lord would answer him, and not abandon him.  In verse 14 David expresses uneasyness by almost exhorting himself that he needs to wait on the Lord despite fearful and perilous circumstances that seem to surround him,  he tells his heart to take courage, and just wait on the Lord because whom shall he fear, if he dwells with the Lord in his temple, and seeks his face, the Lord will be faithful to answer his prayers with light (direction), and salvation (strength).

A - The application for me is to seek to follow David's path for preparing himself to stay close and follow God through the journey He may have ahead of him.  I can relate to this in this unexpectedly uncomfortable season of rest I am experiencing.  I know the word is "wait on the Lord", but the feeling of uneasiness still rests on my heart.   I shall follow David's example and wait on the Lord,  seeking to spend time with Him,  taking courage in him,  seeking guidance and salvation for the days ahead.   

P -  Dear heavenly Father, thank you for today's lesson may it be sealed to my heart.  I pray Lord that you would help me live as David did, with the heart that pours out my fears and devotions, and trust to you and your ways.  I pray Lord for peace in this time of waiting, and I pray for guidance for the days ahead, and salvation from those things that might distract me from your ways.   I pray all this in Jesus name, Amen.

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