Seeking the Lord in our trying circumstances
S- Psalm 34:4-7 (NASB)
4I sought the LORD, and He answered me,
And delivered me from all my fears.
5They looked to Him and were radiant,
And their faces will never be ashamed.
6This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him
And saved him out of all his troubles.
7The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him,
And rescues them.
O - What truth about God and his power in our lives. The principles layed out here are ones I am learning to walk in and understand the power it has in transforming my life and how I live. The psalm says we seek after the Lord and he delivers us from our fears. Notice it doesn't say he delivers us from our circumstances, instead he delivers us from our fears; I think that is because God is never fearful of our circumstances, no matter how desperate they may feel He is sufficient to overcome. The next verse says they look to God and their attitudes changes from ashamed/fearful to radiant. That again happens when we look away from our circumstances to the one who is so much bigger than any circumstance we may be facing. The poor man , or man unable to overcome his circumstances, cried out to the Lord and the Lord saved Him from ALL of his troubles. And how is it that the Lord does this, He sends His Angels to encamp around those who fear him and rescues them.
A - The take away from this scripture for me today is that God is bigger than any circumstance I may be facing. When facing overwhelming circumstances I must follow the principles laid out in this Psalm:
1. Seek the Lord - He will deliver me from my FEARS. Fear is the thing that will paralyze me and move forward in a situation where I am called to be a servant of God.
2. Look toward the Lord and away from my circumstance- His radiance will relieve me of my shame of not being able to overcome the situation on my own.
3. Cry out to the Lord - It is only after my fears have been calmed, and I look to God and remind myself of his radiance that I will be free from my paralyzed state, and then I can cry out to the Lord, and it from here He here's my voice and prayers and can deliver me from my troubles.
4. Recognize that the Lord has sent Angels to encamp around me. This is a critical understanding in that often times after we seek and cry out to the Lord we are temporarily relieved from our fears, but when circumstances don't immediately change, we allow fear to creep back in, because we don't acknowledge that the Lord's answer to our prayer is a hedge of protection from the circumstances, and not an elimination of the circumstances. I must begin to trust in His ability to protect me through any circumstance.
P - Dear heavenly Father, thank you for today's devotion may it be sealed to my heart. I pray Lord that you would help me to live out these principles you have shown me here today. I pray Lord for that you would remove my fears of my current circumstances, and reveal to my heart your protection that surrounds me. I thank you Father for your faithfulness to your promises in my life, and joyfully look forward to serving you through any of the circumstances in my life. I pray all this in Jesus name, Amen.
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