Faith of the Magi
S- Matt 2:11-12 (NASB)
11 After coming into the house they saw the Child with Mary His mother; and they fell to the ground and worshiped Him. Then, opening their treasures, they presented to Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
12And having been warned by God in a dream not to return to Herod, the magi left for their own country by another way.
O - It is sometimes hard to comprehend and relate to the faith the magi had as they through only the scriptures, in faith followed the star indicating the birth of Christ, came to this very simple couple in Bethlehem and when they saw Jesus, they fell the ground and worshiped Him. How is it that I had such a hard time coming to that same level of awe and worship of Christ, when I had the whole story and witness of who Christ was and is. These magi, obviously led by God, but not even of God's people were used to acknowledge Christ at his birth, when even the people of Israel didn't recognize his coming.
A - The application for me is understand the opportunity I have to recognize, honor, and worship who Christ is, in my life and in this world. Like the Magi, it is done with great honor and respect for who Christ is, not who the world recognizes him to be. Also like the magi I am to worship Christ with an understand the world does not know Him and respect Him, so I must be sure to be cautious to protect Christ's witness in the world. There are those who would destroy what He is doing in people's life all over the world, and I must be aware of those who like Herod, have false motives behind their seeking of Christ.
P - Dear heavenly Father, thank you Lord for your gentle spirit to continue to reveal to me and teach me more about Christ. Thank you Jesus for all that you have done and continue to do in my life. I pray Lord that you would continue to transform and use me to be the man of God you are calling me to be.
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