Monday, June 19, 2017

receiving the fullness of Gods love

S-1Tim 1

5 The purpose of my instruction is that all believers would be filled with love that comes from a pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith. 6

O- Paul lays out for Timothy the purpose of hearing the gospel and studying God's word.  So that we might be filled with God's love.     In order to make room fully for God's love in our life our heart, mind and soul  need to be clear and pure.  Over time in this life we become weighted down and calcified by sin and our experiences that our wounds and scars begin pushig out  room for the fullness of God's love.  But we see that in Christ we are made new,  able to break the bondages of the past and live in the freedom and fullness of a future with the fullness of God.

A -  The application for me is to reach back for the fullness of God that I have once had, but even more importantly reach forward to to the fullness of God's love that He has waiting for me.   I can relate very much to the character Mackenzie from the Shack who had many past scars and hurts that were preventing him from  receiving and understanding God's love.  But love always finds a way and never gives up.   Today I am choosing to forgive God for allowing my past hurts to occur, and reaching out a hand to receive the fullness of His love... because He is a good good father, that's who He is.

P - Dear Papa, thank you for breaking through to a scarred and wounded sinner like me and saving me from myself and my sin.   I confess the season of struggle and sadness has surrounded me for far to long and have been mad at you for allowing me to go through it.   I trust in and love you Lord, and ask your forgiveness for my past sins, and that you would show me the fullness of your love.  In Jesus name, Amen.     Love Joe

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