Sunday, July 5, 2015

Pay close attention to what you have heard from the Lord

For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it.

O -  The Lord highlighted this verse for me today that I might remember what the author of Hebrews is exhorting the people of Jerusalem to do.  The Gospel is freedom in Christ, for all those who receive it.  It is also a new direction for us as we are all a new creation, with a new master.   We must continually remind ourselves and pay attention to the details what  is true in comparison the truth of the Gospel.

A -  There is no doubt of my salvation, I have given my life to Christ, and in the way I know how I am following him, step by step.  I have not yet stopped growing in the understanding of the power of the gospel in my life.  In this season of transition I am in , I am certainly vulnerable to following untrue thoughts in my head as to why my circumstances are what they are or the feelings of the need to escape it all. But then I come back to daily scripture and verse like  this and I am reminded to "pay close attention" to what God has told me through his word, through his spirit during prayer.

P - Dear heavenly father, thank you for maintaining a hold of my life through your word, your spirit, and your son.  Lord daily I struggle, but daily you lift me up, even if just enough for the day, you have been my source and my strength.  

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