Tuesday, June 23, 2015

How to treat one another

S 1 Timothy 5.1-2 (nasb)
 Do not sharply rebuke an older man, but rather appeal to him as a father, to the younger men as brothers, the older women as mothers, and the younger women as sisters, in all purity.

O - This is Pauls advice to Timothy as he is likely thinking of the many challenges of leading a local congregation in the the day to day operations of the local church.  I sense Paul has learned that the work of the ministry - to deliver the Gospel to world has the fruit of creating many believers and even some disciples of the work of the ministry.  As this community is building the pastoring of the flock becomes more and more important.   People are coming to Christ from all different stages in life, and while we are transformed and made new - all still carry either of the stigma of who they were (attitude and beliefs) or position in life (whether great or lowly in stature).  But in Christ we are all brothers and equal and worthy of love in the site of God.  Now some are called to be apostles, some pastors, some teachers,  some to care , some to pray.  But how we treat our brothers and sisters in Christ is not be based on the old self or the external view (age, wealth, or prominence) but rather with love and respect;  we become literal family members and are to treat each other with the same brotherly or fatherly love God has command us to show our family.

A - The application for me is to understand that I am called to lead, teach, and be led and taught by my fellow members of the body of Christ.  I need to recognize that God has both humbled me to submit to my elders in the church for teaching and rebuking,  as well as to be able to lead with love elders and the youth.  I must not be timid or overbearing, but to teach and lead with confidence in who Christ is in me, and with a gentleness and love that comes from the outpouring of God's gentleness and love for me.

P - Dear heavenly Father, thank you for Jesus, thank you that you died for my sins, and that you continue to pursue me and my heart through the many seasons of my life.  I am strengthen by your word today and encourage to love and lead as you have called me to do.  I pray that you would lead my heart and mind today to do respond to your word, and your spirits prompting at home and at work.  I pray this in Jesus name, Amen.

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